By now, i should be striving hard for the 2 killing papers, but somehow i'm blogging here.
By now, i should be sleeping very tight like a blue pig, but somehow i'm standing the tiredness.
issshhh..let's continue this post with i'm too lazy to delete what i've written also. zzzzz...just give me alot of "=.= face....
haha..suddenly i felt myself is writing nonsense the way, i'm writting this post to share my favorite songs.
I found her and i found it-王儷婷 Olivia Ong and her album. should be i found it and i found her because i know her by her songs first..don't even know how she looks like. Here is she, what a pretty Singaporean singer =)

Recently i fall in love with her songs..especially the song which is playing in my blog.."Sometimes when We Touch". I can be nonstop listening to this song...repeat and repeat..without getting bored with soul..i feel it...
Besides that, some songs like "Fly Me to the Moon", "True Color" and "Kiss Me" are recommended. Her voice is so nicely and softly. You will be very relax and feel comfortably when listening to her songs. So, just try to grab her album at any store. You will fall in love with her too. Yet, i didn't buy her album. But, i will buy it one day ^^
Hmn...i think i should continue my study. Should i? yes...for sure~ or may be i should go to bed it's quite late already..11.33pm...for me...keke...
Good night everyone~ ^^
Wait, to share with you guys, feel free to log on to this link =)